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Join our monthly workshops where we discuss different aspects of living with epilepsy and the strategies we can use to manage them.

YAWE empowers individuals by hosting monthly workshops focused on various aspects of living with seizures and seizing control of one's life. These workshops delve into essential topics such as understanding epilepsy, managing medications, coping strategies, and fostering independence. By providing a supportive environment and expert guidance, participants gain invaluable insights and practical skills to navigate life with epilepsy confidently. These sessions not only offer vital information but also foster a sense of community among young adults facing similar challenges, promoting resilience and empowerment in their journey toward wellness and self-fulfillment

  • Self-Disclosure: How and When to Talk About Epilepsy
    Self-Disclosure: How and When to Talk About Epilepsy
    Apr 18, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop addresses the challenges of navigating who to disclose this condition to, when to disclose it, and how to manage the circumstances and reactions after disclosure– good and bad.
  • Mental Health and Epilepsy: the Unspoken Effects
    Mental Health and Epilepsy: the Unspoken Effects
    May 24, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop confronts the psychosocial impact on the lives of people with epilepsy, and how often it is a lack of social support that is most debilitating– not seizure management. Participants are given tips for managing anxiety, depression, and shame.
  • Self-Perceptions and Self-Esteem
    Self-Perceptions and Self-Esteem
    Sat, Jun 21
    Jun 21, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop tackles the impact of stress and social pressures on our internal voice and how we categorize ourselves, and helps people with epilepsy to boost their confidence by recognizing and managing negative self-talk.
  • College and Epilepsy
    College and Epilepsy
    Sat, Jul 19
    Jul 19, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop examines the tightrope students with epilepsy walk as they juggle living on their own for the first time, academics, and work all while maintaining a fulfilling social life.
  • Resume and Career-Building: How to Set Yourself Up for Success
    Resume and Career-Building: How to Set Yourself Up for Success
    Sep 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop is accompanied by expert David Clifford and is all about giving people advice and the tools they need to navigate the job market with epilepsy.
  • Stigma and Epilepsy: How to Combat Negative, False Beliefs
    Stigma and Epilepsy: How to Combat Negative, False Beliefs
    Oct 18, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop dove into all the ways stigma can infiltrate our day-to-day lives without even realizing it, and all of the things we can do to combat and debunk misconceptions and address public perceptions.
  • Traveling and Epilepsy
    Traveling and Epilepsy
    Sat, Dec 20
    Dec 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
    Via Zoom
    This workshop is all about how to safely experience the world while living with epilepsy, examining key anxieties, travel challenges, and traveling by yourself.

Meet Your Facilitator 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to have my camera on?

While we would love to see your beautiful face, there is no pressure to have your camera on. We want this to be a safe space for you.

How much will I be expected to participate?

During our workshops, our facilitators will lead you through different topics. At certain points you will have the opportunity to participate but it is never a requirement. 

What if I can only make it for part of the workshop? 

Workshops are most effective when you can attend the entire session, however we understand that you are busy. You are welcome to drop in and out as needed. 

If I share, will it remain private?

Yes! If you decide to share with the group know that it will remain between us. We never record our workshops and don't share your information.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

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